• Added Auto Reconnect system. Now the client will prompt the user and automatically try to continue the match when possible. The game is now overall more resilient to errors during matchmaking.
  • Fixed the bug before the Mulligan phase where the connection could be dropped before the title “Waiting for all players to connect”.
  • Implemented a Global Notifications System. Players will now receive important messages while in the Menu.
  • Reworked the Reward Notification System. Players will be prompted with pop-ups upon obtaining any kind of reward.
  • Improved the client handling of the durations of the turn timers that could have displayed wrong times upon dynamic changes from the server.
  • Implemented meta-collection and player data versioning to prevent player data corruption.
  • Replaced the old Cores System with a new, more customizable design.
  • Reworked Player Profile Customization and Featured Avatars Selection in order to make it more responsive to player requests.
  • Overhauled the UI sound effects in all scenes.
  • Added several sound triggers in Menu Scene.
  • Added currency indicators across relevant screens.
  • New Cores and Titles added to the game.
  • Added new profile icons that replace the old ones.
  • Reworked the Avatar Shrine menu to represent the change from Avatar Soul Fragment to Avatar Soul.
  • Reworked the interactability of the Find Match button when an invalid deck would be selected.
  • Rework the systems behind Currencies, Experience, and Profile Customization Items.
  • Reworked end-game progress notifications in order to display dynamically different categories.
  • Fixed the bug where the cards wouldn’t be correctly filtered by cost.
  • Reworked the introduction voice lines for selected Avatars.
  • Implemented global handling for Experience progression through the session.
  • Applied gamma correction to several images in order to faithfully translate the original designs.
  • Fixed the corrupted visuals of the End Game Screen.
  • Added sound to the back navigation action.
  • Added missing flavor text in cards.
  • Added tooltips to unavailable match modes.
  • Reworked several unit sound entries.
  • Fixed the selection logic behind random map selection.
  • Corrected several typos spread across the game.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow for duplicate sound triggering across Menu Scene toggle groups.
  • Fixed the bug where the Tutorial would display the wrong text when not doing what the tutorial expects the player to do.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes tooltips wouldn’t resize correctly to their content.
  • Corrected the text for map selection on find match screens.
  • Fixed the bug where player favorite achievements wouldn’t be properly updated on the menu overview.
  • Adjusted the timings for the Divine Storm VFX.
  • Fixed various challenge bugs.
  • Corrected display text in Mao Wei’s Surprised voice emote.
  • Recovered several displayed texts that had corrupted keys.
  • Reworked Battleground selection buttons in order to allow selection by clicking on their names
  • Fixed tutorial bug where two tooltips could be displayed at once.
  • Fixed the bug in challenge history where it would fail to display the right cells under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed the bug where some audio elements could overlap when they were not supposed to.
  • Fixed the bug where the social window could stay open while loading a new match. Now the social window closes after a successful match finding.
  • Disabled tooltip pop-ups in rare cases where they would appear empty.
  • Fixed the bug where the player could still have an Avatar Skill selected after the end of the turn in case it was not manually canceled.
  • Updated Credits information.