Bug Fixes
  • Fixed the bug where the hovered card in the Tutorial Prologue could still be hovered twice.
  • Fixed problem where cards in the Shrine for Avatar trait info would not show their images.
  • Fixed Tears of Harigazz not showing animation when there are no units on the battleground.
  • Added action soft lock while waiting for the server response in order to avoid invalid Favourite Achievement requests.
  • Implemented some better connection handling with the server.
  • Fixed a bug where the player could open settings in a Tutorial while the Tutorial is ending which could cause the game to get stuck.
  • Fix the daily boost bug where after each match daily boost would refill itself.
  • Removed win streak tracking vs A.I.
  • Fixed win streak display amount.
  • Fixed bug with disabled Avatar Skill in the Tutorial mission 4.
  • Fixed bug with redirect damage applied to the unit with shield counters where damage would display as -1.
  • Fixed bug with invalid quest causing the game to break.
  • Removing effects from units displayed in action history.
  • Fixed bug where “morph” would also copy counters.
  • Fixed REAP trigger bug, where REAP would stop executing after 2 times (e.g. Malefice killing max 2 units).
  • Fixed bug with player’s turns starting before the animations are finished in vs AI game. Bot end turn action is delayed in order to show animations and end turn regularly.
  • Fixed bug where Avatar could not be rotated in the Deck Customization menu.
  • Fixed some auto-reconnect bugs that can disable the user hover in a match if they happen while the user had a unit selected.
  • Fixed some bugs that could have happened when there was a problem with starting a match and the client would be left in infinite looking for match state.
  • Disabled the option of switching Camera Angles.
  • Tooltips that appear while hovering are now better placed.
  • Fixed the bug where trying to navigate to the profile of another player from the sent invite would lead the player to their own profile.
  • Adjusted the default behaviour for delayed tooltips and resetting after user interaction.
  • Fixed the bug where editing a deck wouldn’t allow to save it again unless its name was also changed.
  • Fixed the bug where entities in limbo would lose information upon reconnecting.
  • Fixed a bug where the game would crash upon trying to enter the deck selection menu without a valid deck.
  • Fixed a rare bug where upon resizing the screen in unusual ways (i.e. windows shortcuts) the new settings would fail to be properly applied.
  • Fixed visual issues with token art layer sorting.
  • Fixed the issues with Token Dissolve visuals.
  • Fixed the text display error whereupon unlocking a new faction the base deck notification would show incorrect information instead of the correct content.
  • Mitigated the bug where changing a card foiler would spread changes among default foilers, new decks and deck customizations.
  • Fixed the bug where Social Pop-up input field placeholders wouldn’t display the correct information.
  • Fixed the bug where the Tutorial would get stuck on Introduction – Mission 1 – Event 6.
  • Fixed the bug where a non-collectable card preview wouldn’t show the whole description.
  • Fixed the bug where the Avatar’s subdue voice line would play instead of the correct one upon being revitalized.
  • Fixed a visual bug with the buff tooltip that could lead to intense flashing under rare circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug with errors when stacking special attacks.
  • Fixed bug with duplicate entities in action history.
  • Fixed bug with card reveal animation, which could make cards not appear but the effect would still be applied correctly.
  • Fixed bug where on failing to auto-reconnect the client wouldn’t send the players back to the login screen.
  • Fixed the bug where players could interact with board elements if the card details screen were active.
  • Fixed the bug where Passive Modifiers (earned through non-owned effects) would not show in the Mods Gained buff tooltip.
  • Fixed a rare bug where some effects would be applied on entities that the bot still didn’t play instead of the current entities already on the board.
  • Fixed the bug where deleting the last selected deck would throw an error while returning to the deck selection.
  • Adjusted the text on the prompt for the confirmation of purchases with foil currency.
  • Fixed the bug where the player wouldn’t be able to purchase items with the exact amount of currency left.
  • Fixed disabled sub-menu buttons in the Profile.
  • Sundering Spirit description fixed.
  • Adjusted some visuals and notification behaviour of the Social pop-up.
  • Reworked several unit sound entries
  • Updated credits information
  • Fixed the tooltip being active upon selecting the game mode
  • Fixed map selection text on find match screens
  • Fixed bug where player favourite achievements wouldn’t be properly updated on the menu overview
  • Adjusted Divine Storm VFX timings
  • Fixed some auto-reconnect bugs with action history and ambush
  • Fixed various challenge bugs
  • Reworked UX visuals upon purchasing a foiler from the card collection
  • Fixed bug where several profile icon options would be shown as selected at once
  • Fixed the bug before the Mulligan phase where the connection could be dropped before the title “Waiting for all players to connect”.
  • Replaced the Core’s System
  • Reworked Player Profile Customization and Featured Avatars Selection in order to make it more responsive.
  • Overhauled the UI sound effects in all scenes.
  • Fixed the bug where the cards wouldn’t be correctly filtered by cost.
  • Reworked the introduction voice lines for selected Avatars.
  • Fixed the visuals of the End Game Screen.
  • Corrected several typos spread across the game.
  • Fixed a bug that would allow for duplicate sound triggering across Menu Scene toggle groups.
  • Fixed the bug where the Tutorial would display the wrong text when not doing what the tutorial expects the player to do.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes tooltips wouldn’t resize correctly to their content.
  • Corrected the text for map selection on find match screens.
  • Fixed the bug where player favourite achievements wouldn’t be properly updated on the menu overview.
  • Adjusted the timings for the Divine Storm VFX.
  • Corrected display text in Mao Wei’s Surprised voice emotes..
  • Reworked Battleground selection buttons in order to allow selection by clicking on their names
  • Fixed tutorial bug where two tooltips could be displayed at once
  • Fixed the bug in challenge history where it would fail to display the right information.
  • Fixed the bug where some audio elements could overlap when they were not supposed to.
  • Fixed the bug where the social window could stay open while loading a new match. Now the social window closes after a successful match finding.
  • Disabled tooltip pop-ups in rare cases where they would appear empty.
  • Fixed the bug where the player could still have an Avatar Skill selected after the end of the turn in case it was not manually cancelled.
  • Reworked Action history system.
  • Reworked the bug where the player would get stuck in the menu after Match Found was shown.
  • Reworked Avatar Shrine visuals.
  • Fixed the bug where Avatar subdue animations were triggered when they shouldn’t have been (i.e. Tears of Harigazz).
  • Fixed the bug where an Avatar would trigger an animation upon playing Curse cards.
  • Fixed a rare reconnect bug where the game would break under very specific circumstances involving Mulligan and Attribute Selection phases.
  • Handled the bug where the match would fail to start after being found but not confirmed in time. Now the client will prompt the user upon detecting the failure and allow a new attempt.
  • Fixed the bug where, after cancelling a match search and navigating to some other game mode, no match could be started.
  • Fixed the bug where, after a match, toggling the settings open a few frames after starting to go back to the menu would end up in the game being stuck in the loading screen.
  • Fixed the bug where Attribute Selection Window would not allow the player to select an attribute after a successful reconnect attempt.
  • Modified the behaviour upon cancelling the Battle Pass purchase. Now the whole BP menu doesn’t close by default.
  • Fixed the bug where the Battle Pass widget would display the wrong amount upon starting the game.
  • Fixed the bug where, upon destroying a card because of dragging with a full hand, the card would be added twice to the graveyard.
  • Fixed the bug where the tutorial would show a double-hovered card in certain screen resolutions and ratios.
  • Corrected the art ratio in selected tutorial cards and tokens.
  • Fixed the bug with graveyard and card count tooltips that would not show under certain circumstances. This also fixes the text for the enemy Low Card Count tooltip being upside down and not removed when the Core explodes.
  • Solved the problem with the graveyard card list being interactable while inspecting a card.
  • Fixed the problem with some voice lines names being swapped.
  • Fixed some minor visual glitches across the game.
  • Fixed the bug where units with zeal could sometimes end up slightly rotated after performing their second attack.
  • Modified the behaviour of Nex’s Skill. Now it is not possible to target already infested units.
  • Fixed the issue with lights not being used for bust models in Shrine UI.
  • Fixed the problems with the Shrine UI visuals upon tab switching.


New Features
  • Polished most of the 3D Avatar textures.
  • Implemented the new Main Menu Screen.
  • Reworked the Navigation Overlay system.
  • Added a Player Profile widget in the new Navigation overlay.
  • Implemented forced card hovering in Tutorial Prologue.
  • Implemented hover over Cod Clove card in Tutorial Introduction Mission 3.
  • Added new custom 3D animations for Agredora, Borgojag, Alina, Messeth, and Golas, that trigger when these legendary cards are played.
  • Implemented Client side for Battle Pass version auto-update.
  • Added a tooltip on some currency hovers.
  • Added names and descriptions for implemented Currencies.
  • Implemented new Buff handling. Now mods will be merged in one if the unit has multiple of the same mods added to it, and Caustic and Regenerate mods now display how much they were increased by (for example, Regenerate 5).
  • Implemented better positioning for tooltips when hovering.
  • Improved look of Action History sidebar.
  • Implemented new logic for returning to the menu after the match, now you will be sent to the Deck Selection menu for the last match type unless you reconnected to the match after the game was closed, then you are sent to Main Menu.
  • Implemented visuals and handling for the max number of decks.
  • Adjusted the sensitivity and timings of the opponent’s Ambush area.
  • Extended Tutorial Introduction Mission 1 to better explain differences between unit states: Ready, Non-exhausted, and Exhausted.
  • Reworked the Quests Panel.
  • Reworked the naming logic for new, duplicated, and edited decks. Now a new unique name is always generated by default. Invalid names are also prompted and the player is afterwards given the chance to pick a different, valid name.
  • Added an additional tutorial step in Introduction Mission 1 regarding the different card statuses.
  • Added vulnerability damage to action history.
  • Server stability improved.
  • Added support for making the card details accessible from the Mulligan phase screen.
  • Implemented Battle Pass system.
  • Updated the Credits
  • Added new music for the Ubbu Factory map
  • Added new UI Core toggle SFX
  • New Core destroyed VFX
  • Added missing flavour text in cards
  • Implemented views for shop bundles
  • Added sound to back action
  • Added Auto Reconnect system. Now the client will prompt the user and automatically try to continue the match when possible. The game is now overall more resilient to errors during matchmaking.
  • Implemented a Global Notifications System. Players will now receive important messages while in the Menu.
  • Reworked the Reward Notification System. Players will be prompted with pop-ups upon obtaining any kind of reward.
  • Added currency indicators across relevant screens.
  • New Cores and Titles added to the game.
  • Added new profile icons that replace the old ones.
  • Reworked the Avatar Shrine menu to represent the change from Avatar Soul Fragment to Avatar Soul.
  • Reworked end-game progress notifications in order to display dynamically different categories.
  • Added tooltips to unavailable match modes.
  • Added visual representations for Battle Pass limiters.
Published On: May 9th, 2023Categories: phagebornTags: